How To Set Up a Tent Without Stakes

Ever find yourself without tent stakes? Or perhaps in a situation where they would be useless? (Think rock slab, frozen ground, wooden platform, etc.)
Fear not!
All hope is not lost. With these techniques you will be able to pitch your tent in nearly any conditions.
Using a rocks or logs
First you want to find a smaller rock or stick to attach to the end of your guy line (this will prevent the line from slipping under the rock or log while under tension). Then place a larger rock or log on top of the line with the small rock or stick sticking out. Once you have it secure, tension it out as normal.
This method is the most versatile as it can be used on a rock slab, frozen ground, tent platform, etc.
Using the wooden planks on a platform
This one is tent platform specific. Similar to the start of the last rock/log method. Find a small stick and tie it to the end of your line. You can then either jam the stick between the planks, or bring it to the edge of the platform, feed the line between the planks and turn the stick sideways as a toggle.
There are also specific stakes called “wishbone stakes” specifically designed for this scenario.
3. Deadman Anchor
This one is especially effective in the snow or very sandy conditions. Once again, secure some sort of small rock, log, or stick and secure it to the end of your guy line. Next, dig a hole and turned your stick/log perpendicular and bury it with your tent attached and tension out the line.